In this era of disruptions and New Economy, around 50% of the global B2B economy, i.e., $25 trillion, is expected to get washed away, and will be replaced by new $25 trillion revenue sources in the current decade itself, according to MarketsandMarkets analysis.

To create a better world, we require solutions in the magnitude of 10X. At MarketsandMarkets, we believe that innovation-driven growth can create a better world, which is why our purpose is to 'GIVE Growth' 10X.So, how does MarketsandMarkets GIVE Growth 10X?

There are four dimensions to doing this when faced with a decision problem -

  • Create leverage through expanding addressable markets
  • A 360-degree identification of blind spots
  • Focus on extreme customer obsession - tracking every event relevant to customers from a growth perspective
  • Create a frame of reference/competitive radar to consistently engender differentiated value

Shekeb Naim


ICT Advisory

Himanshu Mhatre

Lead Analyst

Aerospace & Defense

Nayanika Chatterjee


Healthcare Consulting Protection Status