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Revenue Impact (RI) Story Energy and Power
Identification of Partnership Potential for M&A in Power Generation Market

Business Proposition

MarketsandMarkets engagement was utilized to gain insights across revenue mix of power generation company’s clients and clients’ clients. These insights helped in defining and solving a series of problems and gauging the revenue potential of emerging use cases and technologies. Further, in a bid to enable clients and their clients to tap into opportunities, preferences were set for finding a business partner.  One of the key questions answered for this purpose was-

Our Approach

Insights were gained into the revenue mix of clients and client’s clients. Emerging opportunities and blindspots were identified through our AI-driven market intelligence platform, KnowledgeStore. Further, our analysts expanded the understanding of the requirements that can enable the client to capitalize on new opportunities. Based on these suggestions, client services team set preferences for M&A partner.

Revenue Shifts identified

The causes of shifts in revenue sources were identified-


Insights were offered into interconnected ecosystems-

Unknowns Identified

We expanded the understanding of revenue shifts and interconnections for finding blindspots-

Power Generation Market


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