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KnowledgeStore™ for
Optimize Research & Academia by Predicting Disruptive Trends Across Industries
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Bring Proactive Changes to Education System

Research is a highly underestimated and immensely powerful tool for educating future corporate leaders. For a long time, the focus has been on theoretical learning. However, universities are shifting towards a more practical approach where students are enabled to not only consume the learnings but also implement them. Efforts are being directed towards the integration of research along with conventional methods of learning for a robust and innovative learning experience. KnowledgeStore™ subscription enables universities to benefit from the vast coverage of market and industry trends.

MarketsandMarkets™ has been working with top-notch universities in the United States, Europe and Asia Pacific in its bid to add value and excellence to the learning process. Emphasis is placed on exposure to current data across industries, technologies, and geographies, among others, for helping with research and casework. Adapting to these changes not only enables the students to become industry-ready but also allows universities to acquire their target student community.

Innovate learning experience in universities

Are You Integrating Real-World Business Intelligence with Curricula?

More than 27,000 students from 1,300 universities have approached MarketsandMarkets for Academia access to KnowledgeStore™, the biggest market intelligence and knowledge platform for studying high growth niche areas. We track the shifting revenues sources and innovations across every market, industry, product, technology, and use case relevant to the Business-to-business commerce.... We offer access to over hundreds of dollars of IP through our AI-driven market intelligence platform, KnowledgeStore™ that enriches the learning experience for students. Industries and technologies are witnessing changes at a rapid pace compelling the need to introduce research as a classroom tool. Educating students about these changes in early lives can lead to quality research and casework, and multi-fold increase in acquiring competitive positions after graduation/post-graduation.

Our Offerings Include

  • Unlimited access* to each student through their university or academic institution
  • Facilitating faster creation of reports and case studies by selecting sections from multiple reports, tables and infographics
  • Unmatched depth and breadth of market analysis with exposure to: 13,782,976 datapoints, 101,018+ technologies, 446,702 growth problems, 35,200+ companies
*Conditions apply

Why is KnowledgeStore™ the Best Research Subscription Platform for Universities?

Industry Verticals
Industry Trends
Data Tables
Exclusivity Of Research
Growth Problems
Data Points

USD 25 Trillion Of World's B2B Economy Is Getting Washed Away. New USD 25 Trillion Is Making Its Way Through New Technologies, Use Cases, Markets & Industries.

Are You Equipping Future Leaders with Insights into These Changes?
We are tracking all these changes and provide a converged view of the same across 13.8 million data points.
90% of the students prepared for changing revenue mix of all global companies are doing twice better than students not adapting to these changes!!!
" This interactive program helps the academic community to integrate advanced research for teaching in sustainable ways"

Discover Key Benefits of KnowledgeStore™ Subscription

Academia program is built to offer valuable benefits to students and academicians.

For Academicians
  • Promotion of entrepreneurial ecosystem
  • Improved university ranking for using cutting-edge classroom materials
  • Higher enrollments due to integration of research tools with learning process
  • Value proposition enrichment of teachers and professors
  • Encouragement of institutional research for better teaching experience
  • Reinforcement of innovative teaching by bringing marketplace to classroom
For Students
  • Industry and business acumen development
  • Exposure to new markets, new technologies, new use cases
  • Innovative learning experience
  • Real-time business intelligence for project research, case study, assignments, etc.
  • Industry and technical competency for gaining edge over peers after graduation
Global Digital Education Market to Value at USD 33.2 Bn by 2025: Are You Ready?
  • Companies rely on digital education tools for hiring skilled workforce
  • Hands-on experience with handling computational systems comprising algorithms is preferred
  • Rapidly shifting inclination towards technology-efficient personnel
Learn more about our predictions on digital education

Sneak Peek into the Top 100 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use Cases from Our Research

Here are the top 100 use cases of implementing AI across industries

*Market Size in USD Million - 2017/18
Market Size CAGR
Predictive Maintenance 340 57%
Industrial Robots 110 23%
Quality Control 110 63%
Material Movement 90 44%
Field Services 72 49%
Production Planning 67 54%
Reclamation 10 45%
Patient Data & Risk Analytics 490 49%
In-patient Care & Hospital Management 280 45%
Virtual Assistant 190 57%
Medical Imaging & Diagnostics 240 58%
Lifestyle Management & Monitoring 190 54%
Drug Discovery 180 51%
Research 160 42%
Healthcare Assistant Robots 140 30%
Precision Medicine 80 55%
Emergency Room & Surgery 50 48%
Wearables 40 55%
Mental Health 35 56%
Fleet Management 130 50%
Customer Relationship Management 110 57%
Supply Chain Planning 300 44%
Warehouse Management 40 40%
Risk Management 30 42%
Freight Brokerage 70 47%
Merchandizing 390 35%
Advertizing 230 41%
Market Forecast 330 38%
In-store Monitoring 660 44%
Location-based Marketing 130 38%
Virtual Assistants 250 41%
Business Analutics & Reporting 490 41%
Customer Behavior Analytics 370 41%
AI Ops 2550 34%
Real-time Analytics 890 32%
Application Performance Management 720 33%
IT Infrastructure Management 500 37%
Network and Security Management 250 36%
Security and Risk Management 130 50%
Marketing Management 160 50%
Customer Support 140 50%
Human Resource 70 32%
Analytics Applications 180 52%
Process Automation 170 50%
Autonomous Vehicles 70 28%
Access Management 30 27%
Video Surveillance 80 24%
Predictive Maintenance 70 26%
Telemetry 50 28%
Energy Management 40 27%
Customer Analytics 150 45%
Network Security 120 46%
Network Optimization 130 49%
Self-diagnostics 80 48%
Virtual Assistance 70 49%
Sales and Marketing 460 27%
Customer Experience 100 31%
Risk Assessment 60 33%
Search Advertizing 2430 25%
Social Media Advertizing 1320 30%
Marketing Automation 1050 34%
Virtual Assistant 500 35%
Analytics Platform 600 31%
Content Curation 340 32%
Dynamic Pricing 130 27%
Virtual Facilitators 190 50%
Content Delivery System 500 42%
Risk Management 220 38%
Virtual Assistance 40 51%
Maintenance 30 50%
Production 20 50%
Training 20 41%
Surveillance 20 54%
Flight Operations 10 48%
Dynamic Pricing 10 45%
Virtual Assistance 40 51%
Information Processing 990 16%
Warfare Platform 920 14%
Situational Awareness 770 16%
Planning and Allocation 750 14%
Simulation & Training 590 15%
Cyber Security 590 13%
Logistics 500 15%
Target Recognition 470 16%
Battlefield Healthcare 30 12%
Precision Farming 240 21%
Drone Analytics 160 28%
Robots 60 16%
Livestock Monitoring 30 18%
Antimalware 1190 30%
Identity Management 860 34%
Risk and Compliance 430 30%
Intrusion Detection 420 32%
Encryption 250 38%
Unified Threat Management 180 32%
Data Loss Prevention 110 37%
Sports 80 49%
Consumer 2130 48%
Robotics 520 43%
Healthcare 250 48%
Surveillance 190 42%
Agriculture 80 37%
Automotive 280 56%

Latest Press Releases

MarketsandMarketsâ„¢ and Oxentia Announce New Strategic Partnership

MarketsandMarkets and Oxentia Announce New Strategic Partnership

MarketsandMarkets™ and Oxentia will join forces to provide global clients with enhanced market insights to uncover revenue impacting opportunities From left to right: Shelly Singh, Chief Operating Officer at MarketsandMarkets™; Dr. Richard Johnson, Senior Consultant at Oxentia; Swati Awasthi, Associate Director, Client Services at MarketsandMarkets™; Pavan Palety, Head of European Operations at MarketsandMarkets™

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MarketsandMarketsâ„¢ and Oxentia Announce New Strategic Partnership

MarketsandMarkets™ and SRI International Announce Strategic Innovation Collaboration

Industry and technology analysis together along with deep research capabilities will offer clients enhanced market insights.
CHICAGO - August 27, 2018 - MarketsandMarkets™ and SRI International today announced their collaboration to bring more comprehensive marketplace and revenue intelligence, analyses, and research and development services to clients across the globe in all industries, advanced technologies, and information sciences.

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