MI Cloud allows all employees, regardless of rank, democratic access to cutting edge market research data. It helps B2B companies translate growth intelligence to revenue intelligence, enables teams and partners to collaborate on analysis, insights and decision making while identifying niche market opportunities arising out of disruptions. It also enables gathering of intelligence by taking advantage of proven and highly scalable data analysis and insights.
Client’s Problem Statement
A leading vendor in the road safety ecosystem wanted information about the competitive landscape, enforcement solutions, ANPR, incident detection, and response solutions in the Asia Pacific and Europe regions. The client was also wanted to increase his market share in the said geographies.
MnM Approach
MnM identified the key disruptive technology trends and the respective players in the market in order to provide information about their offerings in the market.
A detailed competitive landscape for the Asia Pacific and Europe, along with the benchmarking of the key vendors who were analyzed as per client requirements was provided. A comprehensive list of current and upcoming developments in road safety solutions in the targeted geographies was provided along with the potential market opportunities.
Information about the market sizing, forecasting across various enforcement solutions, specifically red-light enforcement, speed enforcement, and section enforcement projects in the targeted geographies was provided along with their capacities and were formulated in a granular manner. This helped the client target opportunities worth ~USD 3 million in the Europe and Asia Pacific geographies.
Revenue Impact (RI)
MnM assisted the client tap into a USD 1 billion market, with projected revenue of USD 3 million within five years of our recommendations.