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Home / Resource Center / Engage Forums / Information Security Trends to look out for 2017...

  • Webinar
  • Online
  • Thursday, June 29, 2017
  • 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (EST)

  • Balaji Sreedhar
    Associate Director, Information and Communication Technology

The year 2016 has been a busy and interesting year for information security where cybercriminals increasingly targeted all types of enterprise networks, endpoints, applications and data. In 2017, the sophistication level of cyber-attacks, strategies and cyber-attack techniques will continue to evolve and proliferate at an exceptional rate. A few of the critical factors fueling the growth of cyber-attacks include - huge shift towards cloud applications, explosive growth in “Internet of Things”, and a rise in application-level attacks. Today, end-users are being targeted across a range of connected devices via sophisticated cyber threats and such breaches will get more complicated to beat. As the attackers are getting smarter day-by-day, the enterprises look forward to adopt a multi-layered security intelligence approach to mitigate the potential enterprise security risks.

MarketsandMarkets is delighted to invite you to an exclusive webinar titled “Information Security - Trends to look out for 2017", which will be hosted on June 29, 2017 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (EST). Please join our experts – Balaji Sreedhar, Associate Director and Mohit Shrivastava, Senior Research Analyst with our Information & Communication Technology practice, as they discuss the key trends in information security technologies that address today’s business risks, to meet the demand of digital security landscape.

Specific insights you will get:

  1. What are the key trends in information/cyber security market impacting business, globally?
  2. What are the major cyber threats that are targeting enterprises and how they put business at risk?
  3. What are the major security technologies prevailing in the market that are helping enterprises to mitigate potential cyber threats?

Register now and get an opportunity to learn from leading industry analysts. The event would be concluded by a one-on-one Q&A with our experts.

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