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Home / Resource Center / Engage Forums / Global Trends shaping the food safety testing market...

  • Webinar
  • Online
  • Wednesday, June 28, 2017
  • 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (EST)

  • Will Polese
    Account Director, Food and Beverage
  • Syed Rizvi
    Senior Manager, Food and Beverage

With population expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050 and resultant increase in food supply, global food industry is experiencing significant rise in production and trade. However, elongated supply chain, its rising complexity, and increasing instances of false labeling, adulteration and unethical practices, absence of appropriate transportation & cold chain facilities have resulted in food safety concerns and authenticity issues. Furthermore, growing number of food recalls, and consumer consciousness being at all-time high, regulatory authorities have established significant standards for food in terms of safety and quality. This has reiterated the importance of food safety testing industry.

MarketsandMarketsTM is delighted to invite you to a webinar titled the "Global Trends shaping up the Food Safety Testing Market", which will be hosted on June 28, 2017 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (EST). Please join our experts – Will Polese, Account Director and Syed Rizvi, Senior Manager with our Food & Agriculture Domain as they discuss the developments that are expected to disrupt the food safety testing market further in the coming years.

Specific insights you will get:

  1. What are the current trends in the Food Safety Testing Industry?
  2. What are the disruptive technologies in various food safety testing markets such as Food Safety Testing, Food Authenticity, Genetically Modified Food Safety Testing, and Residue Testing, and many others?
  3. Which are the high growth potential geographies that are exciting the global market players and their strategies?
  4. Where is the market heading towards in coming years and what is the quantitative representation for testing contaminants in various countries?

Register now and get an opportunity to learn from leading industry analysts. The event would be concluded by a one-on-one Q&A.

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