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Home / Resource Center / Engage Forums / Automotive BS6 Implementation Opportunities Outlook...

  • Webinar
  • Online
  • Wednesday, June 26, 2019
  • 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm (IST)

  • Amey Amanaji
    Associate Manager, Automotive & Transportation
  • Kumar Rohit
    Team Lead, Automotive & Transportation

The Indian government in the year 2016 announced that they will be skipping BS5 altogether and will implementing BS6 emission regulation from April 2020. The decision was taken amidst multiple instances of poor air quality in major Indian cities. When the decision was rolled out the OEMs and Tier 1 companies were skeptical regarding the implementation as BS4 was planned for a national rollout in 2017 and would the Auto industry be ready for another regulatory change in the matter of 3 years. The major challenges were technological readiness, increase in cost of vehicles in a cost sensitive market and the availability of BS6 fuel.

With the implementation of BS4 in 2017 and the results of the 2019 General Elections, it is very much certain that BS6 will be implemented in 2020. However, there are multiple uncertainties regarding the following:

  • Future of Diesel with Changes in vehicle fuel mix
  • Impact on commercial vehicle industry
  • Turbocharging and GDI
  • Aftertreatment technologies
  • Impact on SUV demand
  • Availability of BS6 fuel
  • Customer acceptance
  • Cost increase
  • Implementation Phases

The webinar would also highlight the impact of the developments of each of the above factors on the overall market, and their future growth.

MarketsandMarkets™ is delighted to invite you to an exclusive webinar titled “BS6 – Implementation l Opportunities l Outlook” which will be hosted on June 26, 2019, from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm IST. Please join our industry experts - Amey Amanaji, Associate Manager, Automotive & Transportation and Kumar Rohit, Team Lead, Automotive & Transportation as they discuss the upcoming key trends, industry use cases that has enabled business organizations to transform and align with its views.

Specific insights you will get:

  • How OEMs and Tier 1 are working towards achieving the mandates?
  • How technologies like Turbocharging, Light-Weighting, GDI and others will play an important role in achieving BS6?
  • What would be the impact of WLTP and RDE?
  • Emission outlook for OHV vehicles
  • Introduction of CO2 regulations
  • Views from Industry experts on the topic

Register now and get an opportunity to learn from the leading industry analysts. The event would be concluded by a one-on-one Q&A session.

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