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Home / Resource Center / Engage Forums / Affective Computing...

  • Webinar
  • Online
  • Wednesday, May 10, 2017
  • 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (EST)

  • Terry Moore
    Principal Advisor, Information and Communication Technology
  • Shekeb Naim
    Senior Research Manager, Information and Communication Technology

Affective computing is all set to revolutionize business functions with promising applications in many areas such as virtual reality, perceptual interface, and smart personal assistants. The concept of affective computing was designed to recognize user’s expressions when they interact with systems, but gradually the concept has widened further into many new areas such as speech recognition and gesture recognition.

Over the last couple of years major developments in terms of human machine interface (HMI) for affective computing technologies have been worked on to enhance both touch-based and touchless technologies. These touch points have been incorporated within the scope of technology development for various affective computing solutions offered by leading vendors in this space. The advancements in HMIs have enabled affective computing systems to capture human’s emotional quotient with high accuracy and precision, through face recognition, speech and text recognition, gesture recognition and different emotion or sentiment recognition.

MarketsandMarketsTM is delighted to invite you to an exclusive webinar titled "Affective Computing - Trends to watch out for in 2017", which will be hosted on May 10, 2017 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm EST. Please join our industry experts – Terry Moore, Principal Advisor and Shekeb Naim , Senior Research Manager with our Information, Communication & Technology domain as they discuss the key affective computing technology trends that drive the business transformation that organizations are looking for today.

Specific insights that you will get:

  1. What are the key trends in affective computing marketimpacting business, globally
  2. What are the major developments of affective computing solutions across verticals and how these developments are impacting the Artificial Intelligence(AI, the parent market of affective computing) market?
  3. What is the role of real-time analytics software in affective computing market?

Register now and get an opportunity to learn from leading industry analysts. The event would be concluded by a one-on-one Q&A.

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