AR Glass Market

AR Glass Market by Type, Application, End-Use Industry and Region - Global Forecast to 2030

Report Code: UC 6312 Aug, 2024, by

Market Outlook of AR Glass Market

Due to technological developments, augmented reality's expanding uptake across a variety of industries, and rising consumer interest in immersive experiences, the market for AR glasses has seen tremendous growth in recent years. Wearable technology called augmented reality (AR) glasses, commonly referred to as smart glasses, overlays digital information over the physical world to improve how the user perceives and interacts with their surroundings.

Several important variables that have been affecting the market prognosis for AR glasses are listed below:

  • Technological developments: Waveguide-based optics and microdisplays, among other advanced and portable display technologies, have enhanced the form factor and usefulness of AR glasses. Performance and functionality have been improved as a result of developments in sensors, CPUs, and communication.
  • Applications in industry: Manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, retail, and gaming are just a few of the sectors where augmented reality glasses have found use. AR glasses, for instance, can give workers real-time information and direction, enhancing accuracy and productivity in the manufacturing industry. The adoption of AR glasses in several industries has been sparked by the possibility of higher production and lower costs.
  • Consumer adoption: Although uses for gaming and entertainment first made AR glasses popular, there is significant interest in consumer-focused AR glasses for everyday usage. Companies like Apple, Google, and Facebook are investing in the development of AR glasses for common customers, which may encourage broad adoption provided they provide interesting experiences and good value.
  • Despite the market's potential for expansion, there are still several obstacles that AR glasses must overcome. These include high production costs, short battery life, bulkiness, and privacy and societal acceptance issues. For more adoption, it will be essential to address these issues and enhance the user experience overall.
  • Landscape of competition: As more businesses and startups enter the AR glass market, it is getting more and more competitive. Both well-known technology firms and niche startups with an emphasis on augmented reality are battling for market dominance. The market's potential has been shown by the success of businesses like Microsoft and Magic Leap, but as more competitors enter the market, the competition is anticipated to get more fierce.

Hypothetical Top 3 growth areas in AR Glass Market

The top three growth areas in the AR Glass Market include:

  1. Enterprise and Industrial Applications: Remote support, training, and maintenance are just a few of the applications that the enterprise and industrial sectors have already adopted AR glasses for. It's probable that this pattern will persist and grow. In sectors including manufacturing, shipping, healthcare, and field services, AR glasses can boost production, increase safety, and decrease mistakes. The commercial and industrial adoption of AR glasses may significantly increase as more businesses come to understand the potential advantages.
  2. Applications in healthcare and medicine: AR glasses have a lot of potential in the healthcare sector. AR glasses can be used for surgical guiding, real-time patient data visualisation, and medical education by surgeons and other medical personnel. AR glasses can help with telemedicine by enabling distant doctors to give visual instructions to on-site healthcare professionals. The healthcare industry may be an exciting growth opportunity for AR glasses given the continual developments in AR technology and the possibility for better patient outcomes.
  3. Applications for consumers: Although the uptake of augmented reality glasses by consumers has lagged behind that of other markets, there is still room for expansion in this space. AR glasses may become more popular in consumer applications as technology advances and becomes more readily available, lightweight, and fashionable. With AR glasses providing immersive experiences and fusing the virtual and real worlds, gaming and entertainment are going to be important drivers in this market. Furthermore, AR glasses might be used in social media, sports & fitness, fashion, and other industries to improve user experiences and enable new kinds of collaboration and content production.

Futuristic scope of AR Glass Market

The market for AR (Augmented Reality) glasses has a futuristic scope that is full of intriguing possibilities and prospective uses. Although I am unable to accurately foresee the future, I can give you some speculative suggestions and possible ways that the AR glass market might go in the upcoming years. These options are based on cutting-edge innovations and tendencies that may affect how AR glasses develop in the future:

  • Mixed Reality Experiences: As advanced mixed reality technology, AR glasses have the ability to seamlessly merge virtual and physical environments. In order to produce immersive mixed reality experiences, future AR glasses may combine cutting-edge sensor technology, high-resolution displays, and clever algorithms. Users could interact with digital items that closely resembled the real world and blended in with it.
  • Enhanced Personalization: In the future of AR glasses, personalization may be important. AR glasses could adapt to the tastes, patterns of behaviour, and demands of individual users thanks to machine learning and AI algorithms. This might make the AR experience more intuitive, captivating, and pertinent to each person by enabling personalised content distribution, customised recommendations, and adaptive user interfaces.
  • Extended Real-World Applications: While AR glasses have already found use in fields like business and gaming, there is potential for their integration into a wide range of other markets and regular activities in the future. For instance, augmented reality glasses could be used for navigation, immersive learning, virtual travel, home automation control, and more. There is a lot of potential, and AR glasses might become a regular part of our lives, bringing us useful information and increasing our experiences in many other areas.
  • Wearable Connectivity and computer: As AR glasses advance, they might develop into potent wearable computer hardware. Advanced processing, storage, and networking choices in AR glasses could enable seamless interaction with Internet of Things (IoT) devices as well as access to cloud-based resources and real-time collaboration. The combination of AR glasses and wearable computing devices has the potential to revolutionise mobile data access, productivity, and communication.
  • Miniaturisation and Covert Form Factors: At the moment, AR glasses frequently have an obtrusive or bulky appearance. Future developments in miniaturisation might, however, produce designs that are more svelte and covert. AR glasses might improve and resemble conventional eyewear in terms of comfort, lightness, and style. This change might lower social barriers and increase the acceptance and use of AR glasses in different contexts.

Telemedicine and augmented healthcare: By overlaying vital signs, medical information, and instructions directly into a healthcare professional's field of view, augmented reality (AR) glasses have the potential to revolutionise healthcare. Surgeons could employ augmented reality (AR) glasses for guidance during challenging surgeries, and telemedicine could benefit from remote doctors being able to see patient conditions and give instructions to nearby healthcare professionals.

Mergers And Acquisitions In AR Glass Market

There have been a number of major mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the AR glass sector as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. Please be aware that since then, the landscape may have altered and new M&A operations may have occurred. Here are a few instances of M&A activity in the market for AR glass:

  • CTRL-Labs and Facebook (now Meta): In 2019, Facebook purchased CTRL-Labs, a business specialising in the creation of neural interface technologies. The goal of this acquisition was to advance Facebook's research and development work on brain-computer interfaces and augmented reality glasses. The purchase highlighted Facebook's dedication to the augmented reality industry and its long-term goals for immersive technologies.
  • Apple purchased the Canadian startup for augmented reality headsets Vrvana in 2017. Although Apple hasn't formally announced an AR glasses product, the company's acquisition of Vrvana and subsequent hirings of specialists in the field hint that it is actively developing AR spectacles. This tactical move demonstrates Apple's interest in augmented reality and its efforts to get into the AR eyewear market.
  • Google and North: In 2020, Google purchased the Canadian manufacturer of smart spectacles known as North. North was well known for its Focals smart glasses, which sought to offer a covert and fashionable experience using AR glasses. The purchase demonstrated Google's continued interest in augmented reality glasses and its aim to diversify its hardware offerings.
  • Microsoft and a number of acquisitions: Microsoft has been a major player in the augmented reality market with its HoloLens offering. To improve its position in the market, the business has completed a number of acquisitions. A few notable purchases are the social VR platform AltspaceVR, the 3D data optimisation business Simplygon, and the conversational AI interface business Semantic Machines. These acquisitions demonstrate Microsoft's dedication to enhancing the capabilities of its augmented reality (AR) glasses and related technologies.
  • WaveOptics and Snap Inc.: In 2021, Snap Inc., the parent company of Snapchat, purchased WaveOptics, a major supplier of augmented reality (AR) display technology. The acquisition was made in order to strengthen Snap's augmented reality services and create AR glasses with better visual and user experiences.

Key segments and subsegments in AR Glass Market

The AR (Augmented Reality) glass market can be divided into submarkets depending on application, end-user sector, and geographic location. Here are some significant market categories for AR glasses:

Application-based Segmentation:

  • Enterprise and Industrial: This segment covers uses for augmented reality (AR) glasses in the manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, construction, and maintenance sectors. In order to increase production and efficiency in various industries, AR glasses are utilised for tasks including remote support, training, real-time data visualisation, and hands-free direction.
  • Gaming and entertainment: By superimposing digital content on the physical world, augmented reality (AR) glasses have become more popular in gaming and entertainment. Virtual tours, interactive storytelling, AR games, and immersive media experiences are all included in this section.
  • Healthcare and medicine: AR glasses are used in the medical field for real-time patient data visualisation, remote consultations, medical education, and surgical guiding. They can increase accuracy, enhance training, and give medical professionals useful information.
  • Consumer: This market focuses on AR glasses made for regular consumers. These glasses can be used for gaming, social media, virtual try-ons for clothing and cosmetics, navigation, and other individualised experiences.

End-User Industry-based Segmentation:

  • Manufacturing and Industrial: This category covers the use of augmented reality (AR) glasses on production lines, in repair shops, and in other industrial settings for quality assurance, maintenance, and training.
  • Medical and healthcare: Hospitals, healthcare facilities, and medical training facilities all use augmented reality (AR) glasses.
  • Retail and e-commerce: Using AR glasses in retail settings can improve consumer experiences, offer virtual product try-ons, and facilitate interactive shopping experiences.
  • By offering real-time information, order picking direction, and inventory management assistance, augmented reality glasses can increase the accuracy and efficiency of logistics and warehousing operations.
  • The usage of augmented reality (AR) glasses for immersive experiences and interactive content delivery in the gaming and entertainment sectors is covered in this area.

Regional Segmentation:

Additionally, the geographies of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World (RoW) can be used to segment the AR glass market. Due to elements including technical improvements, market maturity, regulatory settings, and cultural preferences, the adoption, demand, and Market Dynamics

may differ across different locations.

Top players in AR Glass Market

As of the September 2021 deadline that I am aware of, a number of businesses were regarded as major players in the AR (Augmented Reality) glass market. The market landscape is dynamic, therefore it's vital to keep in mind that company rankings and positions may have altered since then. The following companies are well-known in the market for AR glasses:

  • Microsoft Corporation: Microsoft is well-known for its range of augmented reality spectacles, the HoloLens. Due to its mixed reality features, HoloLens has become well known and is frequently used in business and industrial settings.
  • Google (Alphabet Inc.): Through initiatives like Google Glass, Google has a presence in the market for AR eyewear. Although Google Glass first aimed to appeal to consumers, it has since turned its attention to business applications including manufacturing and healthcare.
  • Magic Leap is a business that specialises in creating mixed reality and spatial computing experiences. Magic Leap One, the company's flagship product, is an AR headset meant to provide immersive experiences.
  • iPhone Inc. Apple is allegedly developing its own line of augmented reality glasses. Apple's debut into the AR glasses industry, which has not yet been announced, is eagerly awaited given the company's track record of producing successful consumer electronics.
  • Facebook (now Meta): Through the creation of Project Aria, Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has demonstrated a rising interest in augmented reality glasses. As part of its larger metaverse goals, Meta sees augmented reality glasses as a critical technology.
  • Vuzix Corporation: Vuzix is one of the top manufacturers of smart glasses and augmented reality (AR) glasses. The company provides several types of augmented reality (AR) glasses for business applications, such as manufacturing, logistics, and field services.
  • Epson: Epson produces AR glasses, such as the Moverio series, that are well-liked in the healthcare, educational, and entertainment sectors. The lightweight design and excellent displays of Epson's glasses have earned them a following.
  • Chinese startup Rokid created the Rokid Glass and other augmented reality (AR) glasses. Their glasses can be used in fields like manufacturing and healthcare and feature voice and gesture control.
  • RealWear: RealWear is a company that manufactures ruggedized AR glasses for use in industrial settings. Hands-free operation is offered through their flagship product, the HMT-1, which is widely utilised in industries like manufacturing, construction, and oil & gas.
  • Lenovo: Lenovo has entered the market for augmented reality glasses with items like the ThinkReality A3, focusing on business and industrial use cases. The virtual desktop and augmented reality features of Lenovo's glasses are available.

High growth opportunities in AR Glass Market

The market for augmented reality (AR) glasses offers a number of fast-growing prospects as new uses for the technology are developed. The market for AR glasses has the following key growth potential markets:

  • Applications in Business and Industry: There are numerous prospects for AR glasses to expand in the business and industrial sectors. AR glasses can increase productivity, safety, and efficiency in sectors like manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, construction, and maintenance. Through hands-free access to real-time information, remote support, training simulations, and maintenance guidance made possible by augmented reality (AR) glasses, workflow is improved and errors are decreased.
  • Applications in the healthcare and medical fields: The market for augmented reality glasses holds promise for expansion. Surgical guiding, medical education, remote consultations, and the visualisation of patient data in real time can all be made easier with AR glasses. In order to increase precision and improve patient outcomes, surgeons can overlay virtual information onto the operative area. In telemedicine, augmented reality glasses can help by enabling remote healthcare providers to see patient symptoms and give advice to on-site staff.
  • Applications for consumers: Although consumer adoption of AR glasses has lagged behind other industries, there is still room for major expansion. Gaming and entertainment continue to be the main drivers of consumer AR glasses because they provide immersive experiences and merge the virtual and real worlds. Additionally, AR glasses have uses in social media, interactive content creation, fashion, and other industries, creating new potential for user involvement and individualised experiences.
  • Education and Training: The adoption of AR glasses has great potential in the education and training industries. By creating immersive and engaging learning environments, augmented reality glasses can revolutionise the way students learn in the classroom. Understanding and memory recall are improved by the ability for students to visualise difficult concepts, go on virtual excursions, and participate in interactive simulations.
  • Collaboration and Remote Work: As more people choose to work remotely, there is a demand for technologies that can facilitate productive teamwork. This presents chances for AR glasses to develop. Regardless of their geographical location, remote workers can join in meetings, contribute on projects in real-time, and have virtual presence with AR glasses. AR glasses can improve remote collaboration processes and close the gap between real-world and virtual workspaces thanks to characteristics like spatial computing and mixed reality.
  • AR glasses have the ability to completely transform the sports and entertainment sectors. With AR glasses, spectators and athletes can benefit from real-time player data, rapid replays, and interactive overlays during live events. Wearing augmented reality (AR) glasses can give personalised and interactive material, enhancing audience engagement and fostering immersive watching experiences.

Challenges in AR Glass Market

Although there is a lot of room for expansion in the AR (Augmented Reality) glass business, there are a number of issues that need to be resolved. The market for AR glasses is challenged with the following major obstacles:

  • High Price: The price of AR glasses is one of the main obstacles. The cost of designing and producing AR glasses with cutting-edge display, sensor, and processor capabilities can lead to higher price points. The high price prevents initial deployment outside of specialised applications and sectors and hampers mass-market acceptance, notably in the consumer segment.
  • Limited Battery Life: In order to enable prolonged usage times, AR glasses need a battery with enough life. The processing, display, and networking needs for AR glasses, however, can limit battery life due to the power they use. The usability and utility of AR glasses may be hampered by their short battery life, particularly in situations where users must wear them for prolonged periods of time or in faraway places without convenient access to charging.
  • Design and Form Factor: When it comes to AR glasses' adoption and acceptance, its design and form factor are quite important. Users may be less eager to wear AR glasses in public or social situations if the devices have bulky, hefty, or overt designs that make them feel uneasy or self-conscious. It's still difficult for manufacturers of AR glass to strike a balance between usability, comfort, and beauty.
  • Field of View (FoV) and Display Quality: Delivering a compelling AR experience depends on both FoV and Display Quality. In order to deliver immersive content, AR glasses must have displays with high resolution, good colour accuracy, and brightness while keeping a broad field of view. For the best user experiences, it is necessary to strike a balance between the FoV, the size, and weight of the glasses, as well as the display quality.
  • A further difficulty is creating user interfaces and methods of interaction for AR glasses that are simple and seamless. To engage with virtual content and the actual environment, AR glasses should have easy-to-use interfaces. Potential ways of engagement include voice commands, gesticulations, eye tracking, and haptic feedback.
  • Development of applications and content: The success of AR glasses depends on the availability of interesting and varied AR content. High-quality AR applications and content require specialised knowledge and materials. Technical obstacles that developers must overcome include adjusting content for various hardware platforms and dealing with the processing and sensor capabilities of AR glasses.
  • Privacy and Security Issues: AR glasses cause privacy and security issues. As real-time audio and video data can be recorded and processed by AR glasses, there are worries about data privacy, unauthorised recording, and potential security breaches. Building user trust and confidence requires addressing these issues through strong data protection standards, user consent frameworks, and secure communication methods.
  • Social acceptability and Regulation: A key element in the broad adoption of augmented reality glasses is the social acceptability of these devices. We need to address user and other distractions, public perception, privacy problems, and potential invasions of personal space. Furthermore, laws and procedures governing the usage of AR glasses, particularly in harsh settings like hospitals or offices, may have an impact on their uptake and use.

Regional Analysis of AR Glass Market

It is possible to conduct a regional analysis of the AR (Augmented Reality) glass market to learn more about the acceptance, development, and trends that are particular to certain geographical regions. Here is a succinct regional study of the market for AR glass:

  • North America: Because of the region's concentration on innovation and the presence of significant technology businesses, North America has been a significant market for AR glasses. Significant investments have been made in AR technology in the region, especially for business and industrial uses. Companies like Microsoft, Google, and Apple are leading the way in the US, which is a crucial market for AR glasses. Industries including healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, and gaming are the main drivers of AR glasses demand in North America.
  • Europe: The continent has demonstrated a strong interest in augmented reality glasses and has observed a variety of applications in the automotive, aerospace, healthcare, and retail sectors. Businesses in the area are utilising augmented reality (AR) glasses for maintenance, training, and remote assistance. The introduction of AR glasses in Europe is being spearheaded by a number of important nations, including Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. throughout order to create cutting-edge AR glass technologies, technological corporations, academic organisations, and startups have collaborated throughout Europe.
  • Asia Pacific: Thanks to technical breakthroughs, growing digitization, and the existence of important manufacturing centres, Asia Pacific is a region where the market for AR glasses is expanding quickly. China, Japan, and South Korea have been in the forefront of the adoption of AR glasses. Particularly in China, there have been huge investments made in augmented reality technology, and there is a growing market for AR glasses. In the area, AR glasses are being used in a variety of industries, including gaming, entertainment, manufacturing, healthcare, and education. Additionally, potential for AR glasses in retail and consumer applications are presented by the expansion of mobile and e-commerce in Asia Pacific.
  • Latin America: With increased interest and acceptance in industries including retail, entertainment, and tourism, Latin America is a developing market for augmented reality glasses. Applications for augmented reality glasses, such as shopping experiences, virtual tours, and interactive advertising, have showed promise in nations like Brazil and Mexico. Although the market is still developing, there is room for future expansion and investment in AR glass technology.
  • Middle East and Africa: Industries including healthcare, education, and tourism are principally responsible for the region's growing interest in augmented reality glasses. In order to improve visitor experiences, medical training, and education, nations including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa are investing in augmented reality technologies.

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