Advanced Composite Materials Market

Advanced Composite Materials Market by Type (Carbon Fiber, Glass Fiber, Aramid Fiber, Metal Matrix, Ceramic Matrix), Application (Construction, Transportation, Marine, Aerospace & Defense, Consumer Goods, Electricals & Electronics, Wind) - Global Trends & Forecasts to 2020

Report Code: UC 1016 Oct, 2024, by

The advanced composites materials market is expected to experience 11.0% CAGR for the period 2014 to 2019.

Demand for lighter materials with high strength will ensure that there are considerable opportunities in the industry for advanced composite material manufacturers, over the next five years. The transportation industry is the leading consumer for advanced composite materials especially for Glass fibre composites. The use of composite materials in the aerospace industry is still maturing and further improvements need to be made in the design and production process. The improvements are particularly needed in areas associated with cost performance and sustainability, for the market to reach its full potential in the future.

This report basically aims to estimate the global market of advanced composite materials for 2014 and to project its expected demand till 2019. This market research study provides a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of the global advanced composite materials market. We have used various secondary sources such as encyclopaedia, directories, and databases to identify and collect information useful for this extensive commercial study of the advanced composites materials market. The primary sources–experts from related industries and suppliers–have been interviewed to obtain and verify critical information as well as to assess the future prospects of the advanced composites materials market.

Competitive scenarios of top players in the advanced composites materials market have been discussed in detail. We have also profiled the leading players of this industry with their recent developments and other strategic industry activities. These top companies include: AGY holding Corp.(U.S.), BASF SA (Germany), Cytec Industries Inc.(U.S.), E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company(U.S.), Gurit Holding AG(U.S.), Hexcel Corporation(U.S.), Huntsman International LLC(U.S.) , Toray Industries (Japan), Mitsubishi Rayon Company Ltd.(Japan), Owens Corning (U.S.) and others.

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